Terms & Conditions - Please read and scroll down to agree

BRC II License Waiver Terms and Conditions
Please Read
Failure to follow these terms may result in LOSS OF TUITION PAYMENT

1 ) This BRC requires an online course (approximately 3-4 hours) that MUST be done before you arrive at our location for your BRC. You MUST print out and bring your certificate of completion from the online course to your BRC, otherwise, you will not be allowed to continue and will forfeit your class payment.

2 ) There are NO REFUNDS of any kind once you finish and submit this registration.

3 ) If you miss ANY segments of the course (this includes being tardy), you will not be allowed to continue and will forfeit your class payment.

4 ) If you need to reschedule, you MUST give us at least 72 hours notice before your class begins. Failure to do so may result in forfeiting your class payment.

5 ) You must provide proper riding gear for the range: Sturdy over-the-ankle boots or shoes, long pants, full-fingered gloves, long sleeved shirt or jacket; and eye protection. Helmets are available for loan if needed. More information on riding gear.

6 ) If you supply your own street legal, registered motorcycle, it must pass a pre-ride (TCLOCS) inspection.

I understand and agree that there are NO REFUNDS of any kind once my registration is submitted. I must give Awesome Cycles 3 days (72 hours) advance notice if I need to reschedule my course date by calling 281-AWE-SOME (281-293-7663), otherwise I may forfeit my entire tuition. I understand and agree that if I fail to attend any of my course sessions once the course begins (this includes being tardy), I forfeit the entire course fee and that no refunds or make-up classes will be given. It is understood and agreed that I must attend ALL sessions of the course with no exceptions. I understand and agree that I must allow additional time in my course scheduling for the possibility of inclement weather conditions, for motorcycle riding, or extended learning time. I understand and agree that should I fail to provide my own riding gear, I will not be permitted to participate in the course and subject to forfeiture of all course fees. I understand and agree that there is a possibility I may be counseled out of the class because I may not be able to achieve the objectives of the range exercises within the allotted time or I fail to abide by course safety and instructional guidelines as set forth by the instructors, and if this should occur, I forfeit the entire course fee. I understand and agree that this application is NON-TRANSFERABLE. I understand and agree that the refund and cancellation policy is the sole responsibility of Awesome Cycles, Inc. I understand and agree that if there are less than four (4) students registered for any given class, Awesome Cycles has the right to cancel or reschedule the class.

RELEASE AND WAIVER OF INDEMNIFICATION The undersigned participant and his/her parent or legal guardian (if under the age of 18 years) does hereby execute this release, waiver and indemnification for him/herself and his/her heirs, successors, representatives and assigns; and hereby agrees and represents as follows: To release Awesome Cycles, Inc. and their landlords (including Tumbleweed Texas), landowners, members, employees, agents, representatives and those governmental agencies and other organizations affiliated with this course including but not limited to the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, and hold them harmless for any liability, loss, damage, cost, claim, judgment or settlement which may be brought or entered against them as a result of the undersigned�s participation in said course. The undersigned participant and his/her parent or legal guardian (if under the age of 18 years) does also fully understand there are risks involved in the learning of proper skills necessary to operate a motorcycle and do accept those risks. The undersigned all agrees that he/she and his/her parent or legal guardian (if under the age of 18 years) will be signing additional waivers ("Student Information Form", "Waiver and Release of Liability", and "Consent for Medical Treatment of a Minor" if student is under 18 years) before class begins. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS RELEASE AND UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS AND I VOLUNTARILY SIGN THE SAME AS MY OWN FREE ACT.


I Agree 

Student Quotes

"Awesome class, awesome instructors. No wonder you call it 'Awesome Cycles"

"Enjoyed the large amount of seat-time on the bikes"

"Initially referred by Kay's then called ten other motorcycle dealerships. Seven of them gave Awesome #1"

"Awesome School, I recommend this course for everyone!"

"Very encouraging, positive, fun, all around a great experience!"

"This course rocks, the staff is awesome!"

"The instructors made me feel comfortable about not having any experience. They were patient with everyone also."

"Great class. I have been riding motorcycles for a while and this class definitely helped my road riding skills."

"I had never been on a bike before this class. Now I don't want to get off! This class and the instructors truly live up to the name, Awesome!"

"Had a great time it was truly awesome like the name."

"Fun, cool, and Bada--"

"Easily worth the money."
See all Quotes

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